When I saw the explosion of news this morning on Anna Nicole, my first reaction was, "What has this nutjob done now?" One of my co-workers informed me that she was found dead in a Las Vegas hotel room, Elvis-style.
Hmph... I thought. Who would have thought. I assumed it would be a short piece on CNN before they'd go back to covering the war or possible presidential candidates. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Throughout the day, everytime I take a peek at CNN in my office, they are "continuing to cover" the Anna Nicole story. There's been Anna Nicole experts, Anna Nicole montages, and a seemingly endless stream of Anna Nicole video clips. At the time that I published this entry, she was still on the
CNN front page. Here's the screen from today:

Why exactly is this woman famous again? Wasn't her only accomplishment being a Playboy/plus-size model? She wasn't really an
actor. She wasn't known for her philanthropy. Why is this news?
Remember that other high profile death that happened about a month ago? You know, former President Gerald Ford?

Is it just me, or is Anna Nicole getting more coverage than Ford? I don't remember nearly as much coverage on that. Maybe a couple of hours in between other stories, but Smith has shut down the channel. They've got multiple live feeds running from the coroners office, courts, Hard Rock Hotel. Live feeds! There was a reporter on scene informing us that "the autopsy on Anna Nicole Smith has just been initiated." What is that supposed to mean?!? They're slicing into her at this moment? Do I need to know this? What kind of a country do we live in where a Playmate generates more coverage than the former leader of the free world?
Just to illustrate my point, I took the liberty of
googling Anna Nicole and Ford as a measure of their relative importance. The results may surprise you.

So... Anna Nicole squeaks it out by about 57,000 results. Ugh. I feel like I need a shower.