So, we went sledding this weekend in Asiago, or, as they call it here it Italy, "bob." I mean, I get it- like bob sledding, but it is so wierd. I have no idea how you would talk about sledding in Italian, since they conjugate their verbs. I bobo, you bobi, he/she boba? More on that later...
We had heard about
this place from some friends, and they were really talking it up. When we got there, it did not disappoint. There was a really nice sledding hill, with a "magic carpet" that you rode on to get back to the top of the hill. I have never been skiing, so I conceed that it IS possible, but I have never heard of such a set-up in the U.S. Do we even have sledding hills?
Kids on the magic carpet:

My ignorance about sledding was just about immediately obvious, as I was the absolute worst sled driver there. Eight year old kids were flying by me, with excellent control and steering. On the other hand, I felt like I could crash or possibly defy the laws of physics and flip my sled at any moment. Joel said, "I could pick you out right away- you were all over the place." Thanks!
For his part, Joel managed to make a spectacle of himself by wearing some Army cold weather boots that, based on performance, were possibly made out of solidified Crisco. On top of his many, many near misses, he fell right on his ass at least four times. At least he had boots on- the rest of us (including our friend and her two kids)were in jeans and running shoes, amid a sea of ski pants, ski coats, designer sunglasses, "
Moon Boots,"and mid-length fur coats. We might as well have had Toby Keith t-shirts and American flag bandanas on.
Check out this Italian Nonna (grandma) enjoying her day at the slopes in style:
Of course your big question is, "Did Aidan have fun?" I think his expression in this picture says it all:

So, no, he didn't. Fortunately, we found a small playground with the equivilent of a bunny (sledding) slope that he and the other kids we were with could handle much better.
And maybe your next question is, "What did you do with the baby?" Here is your answer: 
Close up: