Drat, thwarted so close to freedom’s sweet caress… I dreamed for but a taste of the decadent west, and now my eulogy is sung by guard dogs and alarm bells.
I found this site while drifting through the interwebs and thought enough of it to share it on here.
It's from a site called "Яolcats" that is somewhat of a parody of the "lolcats" phenomenon that can be seen on sites like ICanHasCheezeburger and others. The idea is to take Russian captioned lolcats and put funny soviet-era mis-captions under them. The site is pretty simply laid out, but some of the "translated" captions are hilarious.
By the way, the "translations" aren't real. Some of the people on the comments have either failed to realize this, or are simply being trolls. A third possibility is that they are actual Russians that have stumbled upon this English language website and are incapable of grasping the joke. Not that they would to begin with. It's a proven fact that Russians are incapable of actual humor. For example, the above picture's actual translation is something like this:
"Boxer: How should I deal with insomnia? They have instructed me to count till 10 but right after I reach 9 I immediately jump on my feet."If you didn't squirt borscht through your nose after reading that, don't worry. I didn't think it was that great either. Plus, why would anyone want to ruin all that delicious borscht?