Monday, March 05, 2007

From Purim to Praise Him!

I was checking out another blogs (this is OK for a blog pro such as myself to do, but you should stick here for all your information), and I came across this one. With a name like "Bigmouth Indeed Strikes Again," I was expecting some uber-nerdy Morrissey-loving goth-esque blog by a sad woman/sad gay man who had a rough time in high school (which would have been awesome); what I was NOT expecting was the in-your-face jewishness. Now, those of you that know us know that Joel and I both have a soft spot for the Tribe, but I have never understood the sprinkles of Yiddish in normal conversation, and this blog was chock full of sprinkles.

So, I was wondering if there was any correlating practice for those of us that partake of the body and the blood? It doesn't seem that we have any phrases or bon mots that really let everyone know we're Christian. I guess the closest thing is listening to Garrison Keillor; I actually heard him the other day make a really funny joke about (guess what) Lutherans vs. Catholics: "Lutherans don't kneel when praying; we just close our eyes, or read the program for grammatical errors." Oh, those Lutherans! Ha ha!!

Still, that's not the same, and I have a feeling yelling out "Jesus Christ!" while driving also doesn't quite cut it. Maybe saying "Bless your heart?" But I guess Jews can also get blessings... Heller, Linda, please check your "Jewish Book of Why" and get back to me. Shalom!

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