Friday, May 23, 2008

Hyper Coasting

Well, those of you that know Joel know that he can be a man on a mission when he makes up his mind about something. Take hypermiling. He comes across this information, and then the next thing I know, we are coasting all over town- down overpasses (acceptable), into right turns (scary), and 100 yards away from stops (boring). Basically, you use extreme driving behavior modification to increase your gas milage. Like, take all day to get up to fifty, and then immediately shift into neutral and coast. And keep on coasting, right through turns and down exit ramps and whatever else you encounter while you still have momentum.
I don't know if it would be so bad in the U.S., but here, the Italian drivers will pass you if there are six feet of space between you and the car in front of you. They have no patience for this snail's pace driving, even if it is eco-friendly, which the Euros usually go for. And, I am terribly afraid of going over 15 mph around curved overpasses, so I lose on that end as well.

I'm planning on showing him this anti-hypermiling article, and see what happens. If he doesn't go for it, at least I have his Christmas gift picked out- as hard as he is to buy for, putting up wth his nutty driving may be worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the way gas prices are now we might need a few tips from joel. btw, we are now living in San Antonio and I start my new job on Monday...Kiss the army goodbye!