Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wir wohnen aus Deutchland

It's been a couple of weeks since our last post; for that I apologize. However, I think everyone can cut me a break considering that since our last post on 23 May, we received orders to move to Germany, packed up all our things and drove up to Mannheim. It's been a fast-paced couple of weeks.

We currently live on Sullivan barracks, located in the city of Mannheim. Here's a overhead from Google Maps for those that don't know where that is:

It's a pretty industrial area, but there is a large city park and lots of bike trails around. And there's plenty of smaller, quaint German towns nearby and we're just a short drive away from the famous Black Forest (Schwarzwald in German). We've just gotten our house somewhat in order from the unpacking. The movers were here just last Tuesday, so there's still a fair bit of work to be done.

Although we were sad to leave Italy, we're trying to make the best of the German experience. I will say this: they certainly know how to make a beer around here. I've had some incredible beers already, and that not even going out and looking for a good German beer. So although I am going through Italian wine withdrawals, I'm trying to explore the alcoholic traditions of our new host country.

Once we get some picture of the area, we'll through them up here for you to gawk at. I guess we'll also have to get a new name for this blawg too.


Jennifer said...

Wow! New place, huh? I look forward to seeing some photos.

Unknown said...

Hi Joel and Jessica! What's a good email address for you guys? I have been reading your blog and love it. It's great to see what your family is up to!

Enjoy Deutschland,

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joel. Didn't you take German in high school? Time to put that to use!