Many of you have probably seen the news about the Muslim outcry about the Danish cartoon depicting Muhammad. All over the world, angry Muslims are rioting and protesting outside Danish embassies, showing their capacity for forgiveness and understanding that is the hallmark of the Islamic faith.
Well, we happen to live about a block from embassy row here in Seoul. There's embassies from all over the world there, including our friends the Danes. Check it.

And the Seoul Police department, in an attempt to be proactive, have stationed riot police outside the Danish ambassador's house to keep protect the guy and avoid an international incident. Here's the riot police outside the house with full riot gear.

Notice anything different about this picture than the images that you've seen on the news from around the world? Maybe a complete lack of angry, rioting Muslims? Notice that the cops are smiling and waving. One of them is even giving the ubiquitous Korean peace sign. These guys have been outside the Danish embassy for weeks, with nary a protestor in sight. Jessica and I drive by these guys every day, and the only thing I see them doing is trying to keep warm.
I think this is really interesting for a couple of reasons. First off, I think it shows that there are virtually no Muslims in Seoul. This in itself is noteworthy because the Iranian embassy is two doors down on the other side of the street. Second, this shows a little insight into the Korean reaction to riots and protests.
We'll keep an eye out on these riot cops and let you know how long they stand out there. Brrrrr!
I almost forgot. Please do yourself a favor and check out some of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. Tourettes Guy. If you're easily offended by profanity, you might want to avoid it. Enjoy.