Friday, February 10, 2006

This is NC-17 material in the states

When ever someone moves to a foreign country, you always hear that its "the little things" that are the most different, that really make you feel like you are away from home. At other times, it's the huge, glaring differences that make you stop and stare and think, "where am I and who are these people?" This is one of he latter times- check this out:

There are so many things to say about this... I don't even know where to start. I guess the first thing to point out is that these are not being sold in a "Spenser's"-type place; this is (unbelievably) a nicer home furnishings store in one of the big underground malls, although I know the suspended chihuahua in the sweater and the disco ball imply otherwise. I'm sure that Cameron is a paid spokesmodel for these, too, judging from the cut-from-a-magazine picture that is serving as a floating head. Also note the surprising racial equality shown by the "pillow" manufacturers- nipples are available in petal pink, fuschia, or mahogany, all on very pale chocolate-chip shaped breasts, just like in real life. Check out Beyonce's:

Finally, who are these for? They were sort of in a Valentine's Day display; I certainly hope no Korean woman opens one of these up on the fourteenth and is happy about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just when we thought that we had seen it all, the Springers come up with this. Bravo! We love you guys!

Tino and Laurie