Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jeffrey Goines is Alive and Well

For those of you who aren't familiar with Jeffrey Goines, he's the crazy guy from "12 Monkeys" that wants animals to take over the world. I came across an article today that reviews a speech made by a "ecologist" at the Texas Academy of Science. The review is located here, and I recommend you take a second and give it a read. Don't worry, I'll wait.

All done? Good.

Does anyone else get a little worried when they read this article? Not only the idea that eboloa is evolving into an airborne variant that could wipe out 90% of the population, but that this crazy bastard is welcoming the apocalypse with open arms. How many more people share these kinds of ideas? And how many dedicated individuals would it take to bring something like this to fruition?

Hey, forget about the Islamic fundamentalists for a minute and take a look into this crazy S.O.B.'s activities. I hope that someone is keeping a close eye on Eric R. Pianka and what he's up to. And in the spirit of freedom of information, here's his email: . Why not tell him what you think of his global extermination plan. Do it now, before he goes underground!

"Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"

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