However, this book (or the electronic recording of it, anyway) is just cwazy. I guess everyone's religion looks insane from the outside- virgin birth, anyone?- but assertions like my thoughts today can affect other people's past and future lives "in all worlds" were too much for me. I am just too much of a pragmatist to believe my thoughts are able to engage in time-travel. I am also opposed to meditating that "all sentient beings" be born into future lives with "good physiques." What, do bugs need to put that in their personal ads?
Maybe I am being too hard on him. It seems like he is going through a rough time- look at this must-be-true info I got off Wikipedia:
The current Dalai Lama has repeatedly stated that he will never be reborn inside ... of China, [and] occasionally suggested that he might choose to be the last Dalai Lama by not being reborn at all. However, he has also stated that the purpose of his repeated incarnations is to continue unfinished work and, as such, if the situation in Tibet remains unchanged, it is very likely that he will be reborn to finish his work. ... It is also worth mentioning that the 14th Dalai Lama has stated "Personally, I feel the institution of the Dalai Lama has served its purpose."
China, you've made the Dalai Lama, possibly the most peaceful man on earth, so pissed he's threatening to refuse to be reborn! Of course, he MUST be, so ...I guess he will... but not under YOU and your oppressive government! Take that!
In researching this blog post (yeah, can you believe I do that?) I did read a lot of sensible, thought-provoking quotes he has made about peace and self-control, so maybe I just got his "Spaghetti Incident" instead of his "Appetite for Destruction." Use your own judgment.