Friday, September 01, 2006

Athiests who are afraid of death- I have bad news for you

I know I've been making a lot of posts lately- can you tell I have important schoolwork I'm putting off?- but here is one more hilarious thing I found on another person's website, "Depression, Anxiety, and Worry - What Can an Atheist (Or Anyone Else) Do About Them?"
It basically lists anxious or depressive thoughts people might have, and compares the way a religious person and an athiest would handle those thoughts. I was scanning down the list when I saw this one:

4. Overcoming the fear of death
The religious solution
The Christian religion promises its followers eternal life. Death is merely a transition from living this life to living the next life. Our death in this world is the opening to a much more wonderful world in the afterlife.
The atheist solution
(under development)

Under development!! Haven't quite figured that one out yet, huh, Harvard scholar? It does seem to put a big black mark on your case for atheism, but I will certainly give you credit for unapologetically laying your shortcomings out there for all to see.

He also suggests an unusual remedy for feelings of anxiety:
"Next get a hammer and touch the cold metal to your bones: cheek bones in turn, forehead, nose, shoulders, hip bones, elbows, knees, ankle bones, and soles of the feet."

Hope you're not feeling anxious AND full of guilt or depressed with that hammer in your hands.

However, you just CAN NOT MISS this ridiculous, self-important tyrade he has posted against his daughter-in-law. The sheer amount of time and effort he put into writing this, without ever realizing how insane he is and how he should just let this go, is proof-positive why you should NOT believe anything on his other site. One of my favorite parts is when he thinks an article about a school shooting, in which bullying is named as a contributing factor in the episode, is relevant to his relationship with his daughter-in-law, by whom he feels bullied. Boo-hoo!!! She had better make up with you before you start wearing that black trenchcoat around school (by the way, he and his wife are teachers).

Maybe you want to checkout his other sites:
You Should Have Told Me - Home Hygiene and Home Routines
Health Tips: How to Prevent Hemorrhoids, Bladder Infections, and Heartburn
The Sherlock Holmes Diet - Losing Weight Naturally by Knowing How to Eat

Oh, if only there was some way to contact him...oh, yeah, there is:


Anonymous said...

Atheism requires faith - faith that there is no god/higher power/etc, faith in yourself as the master of your destiny, blah blah. As with any faith, there are nuts, and this guy practices nutism. With only <3K page views, you don't have to worry too much. I am surprised at his rather factual take when he speaks of the religious solution. Most of the atheist-tyrade pages take frequent digs at religion; I expect his conversations with his son are more along these lines.

Besides fear of death, "showing gratitude" is also under development, which surprises me. I know that I just say "thank you" when appropriate, buy a drink when I've been bought a drink, and so on. I don't know if that's my Southern-born solutionism or my Atheist solutionism. I made up a new word!

And by the way, I've commented to your posts before without mention of air biscuits.

Quyen said...

thats just my entries as of late. my first two entries were long but had plenty of words.

Jessica said...

Out of curiousity, I pasted his "daughter-in-law" page into Word to get the word count. 17 pages and 7900 words. What a pompous, self-rightous windbag! Is there anyone wants to read 17 pages of your petty, dried-up life? I say nay, good sir!

Jessica said...

I certianly don't think you need to believe in a higher power to show gratitude or even to live life without the fear of death- if he can't think of reasons for that on his own, maybe he needs to rethink his athiesm, or at least having a site dedicated to defending his beliefs.
And, yes, I do need to thank you for your frequent comments- I just yelled that out one day with not much thought...and Joel put it on the blog. It's like living with a reporter; I have to start prefacing my statements with "off the record."