Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy Father's Day, Joel!!

The Army doesn't like Joel to celebrate his birthday at home- he's been deployed or in the field five out of the last six years on March 21. Unfortunately, Father's Day may also be doomed. First, we went to church, where Joel had to sit through a sermon challenging dads to step up to the plate and lead their families; after church, while Joel had to go into work, I took Aidan to the art center, where they were supposed to have a card-making activity, but it was closed "due to illness;" next, we ran errands on our way to a kid's birthday party (you know that no one would schedule a birthday party on Mother's day!); finally, Joel packed for his trip to Bulgaria the next day. The beef and veggie kabobs I wanted to make for him that night were still marinating in the fridge when he left. Sad!
Since I got a picture with the kids on Mother's Day, we wanted Joel to get one for Father's day. As usual, neither kid wanted to cooperate, but we got a few good ones. Enjoy!


kacie said...

Nice pictures of Joel, Ava, and my favorite 3-year-old -- I love Ava's expressions, they're so adult-like, as if she is wise beyond her months...

Jessica said...

I know, her face is saying, "Daddy, this photo is soooo contrived. I much prefer a candid, AP-photojournalistic style for my photo shoots. And, something stinks."