Wednesday, October 10, 2007

As yet unclaimed emails

Call me Johnny Bandwagon-Jumper. Yesterday I signed up for a Gmail account and I'm in the process of switching over from my old Hotmail address. It seemed like a good idea, so I was trying to talk Jessica into switching her old Yahoo Mail address over to Gmail too. She's been wanting to get a new email in the hopes of thwarting the penis enlargement spammers that have somehow been targeting her.

She's been meaning to switch for a while, but a critical requirement for her is having a cool email address. Currently, she's rocking standardlines, which is from an indie song lyric that she liked. She was trying to get awesomej, which is her Wii nickname. Unfortunately, that was taken by someone; perhaps someone more awesome.

So we were playing around on the Gmail sign-up sheet with trying to find another equally cool email address. As we were trying out different names, we were surprised to find out which names were available and which weren't. We explored a couple of different themes and tried out different logins within that framework. For example, Islamic extremists:

- jihad. mamma

- i.heart.jihad
- mohammad.jihad

Another discovery was that certain words were not allowed in any address. Like the F-word, for example. This eliminated a whole series of great emails, like:

- f***.a.monkey
- monkey.f***

We tried a number of Transformer related emails, mostly for my entertainment.

- megatron

- megatron1000000
- i.heart.megatron
- i.heart.optimus
- optimus.rulez

We hit a couple of other themes, but were unable to decide on a good handle for Jessica. Any suggestions based on these results?

- androids.dungeon
- NPR.lover
- shuffle.hop.step
- 742evergreenterrace
- areyouhavingalaugh

- horn.of.gondor
- tiptapscrap
- miss.springfield
- edna.krabapple
- widespread.ennui


kacie said...

oooh, i like the widespread.ennui - too bad chicken.f***** is gone though or else it be SO mine...

Kelly Byrom said...

i hope you have email addresses for the kids, while other simon byroms will have to settle for simonbyrom41, my will be set with his email account thanks to his nerd mom