We lived in Italy for over a year, and I never posted any recipes or anything... just plain rude, if you ask me. So, here I will offer you some help in this area. I tried this
basic pesto recipe from
101 Cookbooks, which is OK but she uses a lot of ingredients not available at my local commissary. This one was pretty simple, though, and I took pictures to add my two cents. It came out really well, so please try this at home and let me know how you like it!
1. Print out recipe from 101 Cookbooks (link
here, again). You do not need a "mezzaluna," just use a big vegetable-chopping-type knife.
2. Tear up your basil. Instead of buying the fresh basil in the packages, I thought I'd go ahead and buy some plants- renewable and cheaper! These were, like, $3 over here- not sure what these are running back in the U.S. of A. these days. So, see how much I used? It seemed like a lot, but it made about 6 portions (from one plant).

3. Wash and spin.

4. Now, here I forgot to take some pictures. I did lots and lots of chopping, of basil and pine nuts and then more basil and more nuts. I added some olive oil, and then tossed with gnocchi and topped with Parmesan. Here is the final product: