The caption is mine, but I'm sure someone can think of a funnier one. Any suggestions? I also played around with making a joke about "zero tolerance" gun laws in schools, but the punchline escaped me.
The funniest thing about the picture is that it was included (without caption) as part of a Powerpoint slide show from my office. It was part of the splash page at the end of the presentation intended, I suppose, to illustrate what a great job we're doing fighting the war. The other pictures were a guy jumping out of an airplane and a guy aiming his rifle at the camera.
Also, aside from bringing heavy firearms into a classroom of ten year olds, was it really necessary for them to wear the helmets and body armor? Just what are they expecting to happen in this classroom? Would it have been such a big deal to leave the helmets and body armor in the truck with a guard when they're visiting the school? And for full disclosure: I have been deployed to Iraq. I'm not just some dude spouting off on a subject that I have no experience with.
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