Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not Hipsters

Jessica and I have started listening to a podcast called "Jordan Jesse Go" (or alternatively "Jordan/Jesse--GO!!"). It's produced by a couple of guys, Jordan Morris and Jesse Thorn, and I believe they have a radio show called "The Sound of Young America" that may have some sort of national syndication.

"Jordan Jesse Go" is a free podcast that they put up on iTunes for subscription. Jessica found it on a fluke and we've been listening to it over the weekend. It's not bad and has it's moments. It's basically two guys riffing on miscellaneous pop-culture topics. By their own admission, their show is a "collection of distractions." They come off as a pair of late-20 hipsters who occasionally have some indie celebrity guest host.

However, I took a peek on the internets at what these "celebrity podcasters" look like and discovered this:

That's Jordan on the left, Jesse on the right.

I sent this picture to Jessica and her response deserved to be shared with the world:

H-S! Which one is which? They look so ridiculous. They pass themselves off as hipsters, but they are clearly bozos.

Bozos indeed, Jessica. Bozos indeed.


Jesse Thorn said...

A) That's a six-year-old photo.
B) We don't pass ourselves off as anything.
C) If you don't look like a bozo holding a bouquet of plastic flowers in front of the American flag, then you will never look like a bozo.

cdb said...

Hey Jesse, I bet if you let Joel guest on one of your podcasts he'll take back the bozo comment.

Jennifer said...

Hmmm, somebody likes to Google themselves on a daily basis...

That's some photo. I'm definitely getting a bozo vibe.

Brizmo said...

For once I have to agree with cdb, you HAVE to put Joel OR Jessica on your show, Jesse. You WILL NOT regret it.

cdb said...

For once!?!