Monday, July 31, 2006

Audience Participation Required

Now that we're in rainy season, all I want to do is lay on the couch, eat soup, and watch TV. Unfortunately, we only have Korean satellite service, so my English-language options are limited (although there is an English channel that seems to play only CSI and Fear Factor). We can get DVDs and download shows, but we have to know what shows to get. On the advice of a radio show we also download, we recently discovered It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, already in its second season. It's so good that I was angry I missed it for so long.
So, I am wondering what else is on? I need something to tide me over the summer until The Office is back. Help, America!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arrested Development is old, but wasn't too popular in its initial run. If you haven't seen it, rent the DVDs. They stand up to repeated viewings. If you like Sci Fi, Battlestar Glactica [great] and the 4400 [good] are out there. I enjoy Numb3rs, too. Since those last 3 are kinda nerdy, they're often on the BT networks. If you have an HD setup, HD Imax documentarys are fun.