Friday, January 19, 2007

Order my "World's Greatest Mom" t-shirt now

Sometimes, Aidan drives me crazy, but then sometimes he comes up with a gem that gets me through another few weeks of crying, tantrums, 5 AM wake-ups, and bathroom "accidents."

Today, Aidan asked me to kiss his boo-boo, and I asked, "Do my kisses make you feel better?" and he said, "Yes, mommy's kisses are magic!" He told Joel last week, "You're my best friend ever!" and when he broke a gravy boat (yeah, I know, what was I doing with a gravy boat??) that was in the refrigerator, he said, "Mommy, I too sorry! Too sorry!" Either he's just super adorable, or he's already a master manipulator to come up with that stuff to avoid spanks. The jury is still out.


Anonymous said...

I miss you guys - no one here to make fun of my complete lack of domestic skills, but come on Jessica, a gravy boat?? Must be the hormones... : ) I'm not sure about the manipulation thing, but Aiden is the most adorable 3-year-old on the planet.

Jessica said...

I know- when he broke it, I was like, "He broke the gravy boat! Oh wait, who cares."