Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Positive reinforcement

It's been said that you have to be cruel to be kind. If the sign below is any indication, SGT Corbin uses that at his personal anthem.

There's a couple of things about this picture that endear it to me, but first a little background. I pulled Staff Duty Officer last night, which means I stay at work all night and answer the phone in the event of an emergency. I also have to conduct security checks of the installation and make sure all the paratroopers are tucked snugly in their little airborne beds. I came across this sign in one of the barracks buildings; haphazardly taped to a supply closet door.

The first and obvious thing that I like about this sign is that the author (whom we can only presume is SGT Corbin) not only refers to himself in the third person, but threatens physical violence upon his subordinates if they fail to clean their hallway. Maybe a little excessive, but I like his enthusiasm.

The next thing that I love about this is that Corbin took the time to sit down at a computer, open up PowerPoint, craft this sign, print out a half-dozen copies, and tape them around this hallway. On one hand, that sort of behavior starts to bleed into the obsessive and may be cause for worry; on the other hand, that sort of dedication does lend credence to his threats of violence.

Which brings me to my third and final observation: the poorly scrawled "He won't do it!" calling Corbin's bluff. Despite all of Corbin's huffing and puffing, despite the professionally made signs posted in his living area, this unknown young soldier has courageously stood up to the tyranny of SGT Corbin.

It's this type of never-say-die attitude that separates the American fighting force from all others. Go Joe!!

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