Tuesday, May 01, 2007

GET OUT!!!!!

I am so tired of being pregnant! While I know in my brain that babies are often born later than the due date, you just get so used to thinking about that date that when it comes- and goes- with no baby, it's really disappointing. For nine months, you say it to everyone who asks- "April 27!" It's marked on all my calendars. I prepped the house and baby's room for an April 27th arrival, and now the sheets are getting dusty. Ugh. As of today, I'm 40 weeks and 4 days...sigh.
The saddest part was when I went in for an appointment yesterday, and the doctor said I wasn't dialated at all, despite two other doctors at my previous appointments saying I was at 2 and then 3. (For non-baby makers, a bigger number means the baby is coming.)How is it possible to go backwards!?! Not a good sign. On the plus side, I am scheduled for an induction on Friday, if there is no "action" before then.
I'll post some pictures and all the news as soon as she makes an appearance.

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