Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Wrap-up 1

Well, we survived through another Halloween this year. The kids were both old enough this year to do trick-or-treating, so it was a fun for everybody.

Jessica and the kids went to a Halloween party on Thursday at the library on post; kind of a "pre-game" to the big event. Aidan wanted to be a Power Ranger, despite all pleading to let me make him a cool costume like last year. Here he is, decked out as the Blue Ranger:

Ava had two costumes; one we bought and one we borrowed from our neighbor. This is the borrowed one:

Thursday night was pumpkin carving night, or "pun-kins" as Aidan calls them. We had two pumpkins this year, and Jessica and I each took a hand at carving one. Jessica went more traditional with hers.

Aidan had been given a Marvel comic pumpkin pattern book at his birthday party. So he wanted me to carve a pumpkin from one of the patterns. Naturally, he picked the one with the "Challenging" tag. Here's me toiling over this pumpkin masterpiece:

The final product of our carving efforts:

Next post will be the wrap-up from Halloween day.