Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jessica's Nerd Joke

It doesn't happen very often, but yesterday Jessica out-nerded me in a joke.

We were goofing on the fact that we both, for different reasons, were called "mole" as a nickname when we were kids. For me, it was just a goofy name rhyme: Joel the Mole. For Jessica, it was a name her Mom called her because she was a little bit of an inside kid and liked to stay in her room reading.

Then Jessica says at least she wasn't called "6.02 x 10^23". I looked at her in amazement and laughed my ass off. Is it possible that she just made a molarity joke? As it turns out, she did.

For those in the know, enjoy the nerd humor. For those that don't get it, sorry. Maybe you should have paid more attention in school.

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