Sunday, December 02, 2007

Lack of Time

I know it's been almost a month since Jessica and I have posted here. What can I say? It's been a long month for us both. After Halloween, I was sent to Germany for a business trip. Following that, there was a helicopter crash near Aviano on the 8th that killed six soldiers; two army and four air force. My organization selected me to provide assistance to the surviving spouse of one of the army casualties. So for the past month, I've been heavily involved with that and not had a lot of opportunity to post to the blog or anything else, for that matter.

We also went to London over Thanksgiving, so there's lots of pictures and stories from there that need to be posted as well. We've got our work cut out for us.

Meanwhile, last night Jess and I took the kids over to a friend of mine's house to watch the Army Navy game. Army got destroyed, in case anyone is interested. The game was just a pretense for us to get together with some other adults who had kids and let them run wild while we could enjoy ourselves. The guy had a great basement set-up that included a fantastic bar. We were drinking and talking there when Aidan hops up on the stool behind the bar and starts "taking orders". After minimal instruction, he started pouring beers from the tap like an old pro. Check it out:

Eventually, we had to pull him off barkeep detail because he started filling any empty glass he could get his hands on, whether someone wanted a beer or not. That's what I call service!

That's it for now. I promise that we'll get back on the blogging horse and get some more posts out for everyone. So you got that going for you... which is nice.


Jennifer said...

I love videos of Aidan doing cute things. It makes my day. PS- Me and Bryan are having a baby in June! Can't wait to join the parent club with you guys.

Kelly Byrom said...

serisouly...we have got to get simon going...he doesnt even know he is supposd to move from his bottle to that bottle.

Jessica said...

Congrats, Jenniferpants!!! Honestly, Parent club isn't that exclusive; you should see who they let in these days... I have heard good things about Millionare Club, though.