Monday, December 26, 2005

Destiny's Child, have you no shame??

Jessica and I witnessed something last night that had both of us laughing/cringing for the better part of an hour. We borrowed a DVD copy of the classic stop animation Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Side note to Team 13: It belonged to Kacie. One of the extra features on the DVD was something called "Destiny's Child Video". We couldn't resist watching; like the car crash metaphor. Words can't really describe how funny this was, that's why I grabbed a couple of stills from it to share.

It opens up with a stop animation DC dropping it like it's hot in the studio. Nothing too crazy here, unless you count the stop animation DC. They're singing a souled-up version of the classic Rudolph song. They sing a little here, then the scene changes and they put on snowboarding attire and go racing down the slopes to meet up with Rudolph himself.

So they give him a big hug, as they sing their hook, "Rudolph, we love you boy." But then things take another turn. They get into some triangle formation and do this spinny move to reveal...

that their snowsuits have been covering up revealing ghetto rat clothes. If you look closely, you can see the snowsuits flying off the top of the screen. I could pull pictures from this sequence all day, but I have a limited amount of space here at, so I'll just let you know that once they shed the extra clothes, there was some pretty funny animated booty shaking going on. But that's not what really got Jessica and I laughing. That honor goes to this next picture.

This is Sam the Snowman. In the original "Rudolph", he's voiced by Burl Ives and does the narration on the story. That was in 1964. We can see that over the years, Sam began a successful career as a music producer and sound engineer. In this video, he's in the booth while the girls are singing in studio. Toward the end of the video, we see him as he is here, feeling the groove and waving his hands in the air. Some would say he's waving them like he just don't care. Thank you, Destiny's Child, for making me laugh harder than I have all week.

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