Saturday, December 03, 2005

Sick House

Well it's flu season, and our house has been hit hard. Aidan came down with something earlier this week, and he's just had a rough time kicking it. Lots of coughing, sneezing, wheezing. He's had a hard time sleeping at night, which means that we're having a hard time sleeping at night. If that weren't enough, Jessica has caught whatever Aidan has been carrying and she's been done for a couple of days now. So our Saturday was spent mostly sleeping and resting up. Lots of fluids, etc. You know the drill. On the bright side, it's been pretty cold and overcast recently so we wouldn't be able to do a lot outside anyway. I guess it's as good a weekend as any to get sick.
To keep myself amused, I did just get in my DSM-520, D-Link HD Media Server. I hooked it up Thursday and we've been playing with it since then. Basically, its a wireless receiver that hooks up to my HDTV via HDMI and plays music, video, and pictures from my computer, in high definition. We've been pulling U.S. shows off the internet using BitComet. It's been great, because we can get anything that shows in the states almost immediately after it airs. Plus, no commercials! Anyway, Jessica and I have been enjoying it a lot. It definitely beats sitting in front of the little computer screen to watch T.V.
Tonight we're going to duck out and leave Aidan with a sitter while we go see Harry Potter on post. I'll let you know how it is.

1 comment:

FIZZBAT said...

So you figgered out BitComet, huh. You do that all by yourself? How about a little gratitude, you ingrate?

PS I should have a interweb phone in a couple of weeks. Believe me, you'll get an earful about this.