Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Long time, no type

I should first apologize for not posting in so long, but I was totally obsessed about this book I was reading, Freakonomics. Joel and I heard the author on NPR before we left the states, so don't even bother telling me how behind the hipster scene I am- believe me, I already know.
Anyway, it is written by an economics professor, and the jist of it is that he looks at regular things from an economics perspective, figuring out how people respond to incentives for certain behavior and what seemingly unrelated things are really very strongly correlated. If for no other reason, it was cool to see the list of popular baby names, as ranked by their mother's education and income level. If we want to keep up with the smarties, we'd better plan on having a baby Glynnis (female) or Dov (male) in the near future.
Anyway, I also got a new job- or, I should say, an additional job. I am going to be the head cashier at a volunteer-run furniture and gift store on post. It is kind of like an Asian Pier 1, with all kinds of things imported from Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Japan, the Phillipines, Vietnam, etc. It is only two and a half days a week, but that, plus my master's degree, Aidan, and the 7.5 hours I tutor should keep me pretty busy, I think. If it gets to be too much, look for my suicide-note blog entry, a la Cheryl's friend Yoshi on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Here is a picture of some of the kids I tutor:

I have nine 25-minute classes a day, with a total of over 80 kids. I also have another job teaching adults.

OK, checking out. Send in your suggestions of what you want to see and hear about- I think we are already getting jaded to what's so different about being in Korea.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry we have not taken a picture together yet. I expect our picture will be posted here someday!!

FIZZBAT said...

So by "Asian Pier 1" I'm guessing you mean "Pier 1." Or did I miss some subtle diffrence that seperates a bunch of imported furniture from a bunch of imported furniture. And shouldn't that be "Oriental Pier 1" cause Asians are people, not couches. Or is it the other way around? Is there an "Occidental Pier 1?"

Jessica said...

Tab, you make some excellent points. Let me start out by saying that an Asian Pier 1 would indeed sell imported Asians, and that "Oriental" does mean "couch."
Also, its not funny to make fun of people who can't pronounce Oriental. Shame.