Wednesday, January 04, 2006

This is for real

We've all had some chuckles over Korean culture and the like, but when we saw this yesterday our reaction bordered on terrified. Aidan was watching Korean kid's TV when a show popped on that freaked us out. It was shot with a camera, but the characters weren't moving like some extremely low budget cartoon show. Upon closer inspection, we saw that they weren't people at all, but mannequins dressed up and posed out in public. Behold!

Yes, that's three vaguely Korean looking mannequins posed to look like they're interacting with each other. There were voices dubbed over, to make it seem like they were talking. Also the camera would cut from character to character to give the appearance that they were more than mannequins. I've seen this done with other inanimate things before as a cheap way to make an anthropomorphic toaster seem more alive, but when used with the mannequins it gives a completely different, creepy feeling.

Also, the "little girl" in this picture is dressed a little inappropriately, I think. Not to be a prude, but I just don't think that a pre-pubescent girl needs to wear a Charo outfit. Maybe you think that makes me an old man. Maybe you should check out this next picture before you make that decision. Shazam!

Ok, anyone else think that's a little much? Keep in mind that this was on a Korean kids show. Whatever. I've got one more gem for you. In the first picture there was a little old lady with her back to the camera. That was, I assume, Grandmother. In this next one, we get a better view of her; additionally, she's joined by Grandfather. Here's the rub, they're both tiny as hell! It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but both of these old people were shorter than the little boy. In fact, I'm pretty sure that they are just other children mannequins dressed up as old people. Witness!

Check out those glasses! Awesome! And that bonnet on the old lady! Nuts! Hopefully you've gotten as much of a laugh out of this as we did. Maybe someone can turn this into the next American kid's show sensation. Just remember where you saw it first.

Oh, and check out this awesome death ray.

1 comment:

FIZZBAT said...

It's called the Fuccons. Supposedly its out on dvd there in the states. For more on this and other disturbing Japanese/Korean nonsense checkout this link:

But you don't have to take my word for it.