Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hey, we've been busy!

Well, thank god Joel and I both got posts up tonight. I hate to go longer than a month without posting- not that exactly a month is doing awesome. Anyway, thought you'd like to see what's been keeping us away.

First of all, we went to Bologna. At least, three of us went to Bologna; Aidan got to stay with a friend for the day, which I'm sure he MUCH preferred. It was really fun- it is the gastronomical center of Italy, home of tortellini, and also the site of the first university in the WORLD. Crazy. We went to the anatomy room, marble slab and all, where the medical students did human disections hundreds of years ago. Here I am at a Neptune fountain in the city center:

I also broke my toe, so I was a little laid up. I stress "little," because with my two kids, there is no way to relax. Here I am at the Italian hospital, waiting to get an x-ray to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Check out my hot slippers!

Thanks to Uncle Justin and the Build-A-Bear store, Max has a new purpose in life:
Even Aidan has been busy; here he is running his "toy store." He talked me into buying some of those cool knights on his "desk" for my son. Wonder how he knew he'd like them??

Ava's just been busy looking cute. I have been trying to take her picture in her Christmas gifts, but it is a full time job.

Anyway, we will try to make up for lost time. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Missed your posts- glad to see you back!