Monday, January 05, 2009

Should I be concerned about this type of behavior?

A few days ago, Ava and I were painting with watercolors at the kitchen table. She was doing her typical abstract work that starts out as fun, colorful zig-zags and ends up being a black or brown puddle, and, to pass the time, I started painting a little portrait of her. I got a head and hair done before she toddled off and it was time to clean up. I left the pictures on the table. Hours later, as I start to clear the table for dinner, I see this:

Me: What is THIS?
Aidan: DEAD Ava!
Me: What?? Why?
Aidan: It's just a joke! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Me:... It's not very... nice... make your sister... uh, dead...

Even in the middle of this exchange, you can see by my gratuitous use of ellipses that I was not sure what line to take on this. Approach #1: "Woo hoo, that is hilarious! She's like a zombie! She's going to eat your brains! Raaaar!!" This is also known as the "Joel Choice." On the other hand, I have friends who have super calm, well-behaved kids, who would never dream of doing this. I have to think they would approach the situation more like this. Approach #2: "Honey, that's not very nice. That makes my heart hurt to see you make a picture of Ava with a boo boo. Let's color this Barney picture instead." BOR-RING!
While more age-appropriate, and also morally superior, I really have to go with Joel on most of these. I really value the creativity and imagination that Aidan shows when he does stuff like this, and I know that he is just kidding around. On the other hand, I feel like I have to be the counter balance. I fear for how Aidan might turn out if he had two parents who encouraged him to pretend-kill his sister, make fart jokes, pick out his own outfits, draw on his furniture, pee outside, and otherwise vote the Joel party line. So, I make a half-hearted attempt to reign him in... some. Wait 20 years; we'll see how he turns out.


Dana said...

This totally cracked me up, Jess. I can actually hear your conversation in my head! I don't know what sort of approach I would take. Who knows when I'll begin dealing with Owen in that capacity, but I'm thankful that I have a while! Miss you...

Anonymous said...

I love how picking out his own outfits and pee outside are weighted equally with pretend-killing his sister.

jwsibley said...

I love how he signed it. Almost like he was some serial pretend-killer wanting to get caught but has no faith in your skills as a detective.

Jessica said...

You're right, Corey. His outfits are truly awful.

jade said...

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I can't wait to see how he turns out.

FreeBird Farm said...

Could be worse, a little boy in the twins' class drew a big watercolor falis. The teacher (who is awesome, by the way) asked what he was drawing and he said, "My doogan!! I made it multicolored!"

His daddy has it posted up in his office at work.