Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The End is Near?

I saw this article on reddit, and was initially pretty depressed by the outlook for the U.S. I know, I know... everyone loves to be a reactionary, and I probably shouldn't start stockpiling rice just yet, but this constant stream of distopian predictions is wearing on me! So, I decided to read more of the article, trying to find something that would be really over the top and discredit the "trend forecaster" Gerald Celente in my eyes. It took most of the article, but I found it. The context is that the outlook will be far worse than the Great Depression, because people today are using drugs and prescription medicines, and are therefore much more dangerous. I quote:

"So, you have a huge underclass of very desperate people with their minds chemically blown beyond anybody’s comprehension."

Chemically blown beyond anybody's comprehension?? You jumped the shark, my friend. I'll sleep more soundly tonight. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


Brizmo said...

I'm sure we're in for a few changes, but Fox is just doing what it does best. Celente uses flexible Nostradomus language in his predictions, so sure, he can sound right a lot of the time. Also, am I a futurist because I throw a ball in the air and expect it to come down. Elementary history tells me that times of prosperity are followed by adjustments back down to an average, and that is the whole of his predictions. In my search, I couldn't find a single instance dealing with an upward economic swing. 80s financial boom, missed it. 1st and 2nd internet revolution, missed it. Sub-prime boom, missed it.

Jessica said...

Thanks, Brizmo, for doing the leg work from which I was distracted before I really found my answer. You should probably be spending more time reading "Good Night, Moon" and less at I Heart Schnitzel, though!

Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously...a few days shy of a month and 0 updates..Is everything alright with you guys?