Saturday, November 25, 2006

"Blogs of Note" is a Farce

I'm fed up.

I'm fed up with two-bit hack blogs getting placed on the "Blogs of Note" pedestal. Case in point: a sampler of things.

This charlatan makes a GD one frame "comic" about a group of anthropomorphic breakfast foods. PS - it's just as funny as it sounds.

There's Mr. Toast:

And his friend, Joe the Egg:

Oh, don't forget Shaky bacon!!

You can't make this stuff up people. Somewhere out there, Dan Goodsell is sitting behind his Macbook and publishing this stuff to the internet. God forbid he's making a living off it. Actually, I don't know which is worse: that he makes a living off being a hack web cartoonist, or that he does this in his free time. I think I'm going to stick with the former.

And before the pointed criticism starts coming, let me just acknowledge this now. Yes, I just used "anthropomorphic" in a recent post (ed: see Italian Spraypaint). No, I didn't just learn it and now I'm inserting it whenever I can to try to sound intelligent. It just happened to come up twice recently.

So thanks again, "Blogs of Note", for bringing only the best and brightest blogs to our attention.

1 comment:

cdb said...

If only the author of That Old Goat would get his shit together.