Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Campaign Songs, Part 1

With election season in full swing, Jessica and I have been following the campaigns pretty closely over the past couple of months. One aspect that always fascinates me about them are the campaign songs. How does a song get selected for a candidate? Is it by committee? Does the artist get paid royalties? Would a Democratic candidate select a song by a Republican-leaning artist? Would Obama pick a Nugent song, for example?

But the most interesting, and I believe telling, part about the songs aren't the "Official" Campaign ones that the candidates select. It's the unofficial, supporter-generated songs that I really love. Jessica and I had wanted to do a big post comparing and contrasting all the campaign songs out there (we've become somewhat of a campaign song aficionado), but I think we'll need to break it up into a couple of smaller posts to get all the goodness in.

Here's a little gem from the Hillary Campaign that I think you'll recognize the tune to:

Atrocious. And yet, there's something insidious about that tune. It gets into your head and causes you to perhaps perform it in an embarrassing falsetto. Not that I would know anything about that.

Damn you Hillary Clinton!!


Jennifer said...

I can't stand the Hillary version but I am rather delighted by Joel's performance!

jade said...

Oh my God, this is the most attention I've paid to this campaign yet. Joel, please do a Barack Obama song next...I'm sending this link to everyone I know.

Jessica said...

The Hillary songs were the inspiration for the campaign posts, but I have to say I, personally, am going insane for the McCain campaign. There were also Ron Paul songs that you were spared due to our late coverage.