Friday, April 18, 2008

New Recruit

Sadly, there is a line of maternity clothes available at PX stores all over the world called, "New Recruit," and the logo is a dog tag with a pacifier on the chain. Putting aside the fact that anyone using a pacifier is a little young to be thinking about a military career, let alone acually signing the recruitment paperwork, I think it would make more sense to have the children's line be named "New Recruit." Are they insinuating that pregnant women are being targeted as potential soldiers, or are they reaching out to the yet unborn?? Sick.
Which brings me to my point: today was "Dress like Mom or Dad Day" at Aidan's school, as a part of the Month of the Military Child celebration for April, and this picture made me think that perhaps they had child recruitment in mind when they orchestrated this:

Still, the worst "celebration" of military children was a t-shirt I saw a kid wearing on Ft. Campbell that said "Military Kids ROCK/When mom and dad have to ROLL," showing the stick figure kids cheering as their stick figure parent drove off in a tank. Or, is this the worst thing attempting to celebrate military children? What'chu think about that? Or, perhaps this is the worst- I guess they've got the war all figured out there at the Pentagon, so they took the afternoon off for sand art and t-shirt making. And yes, Aidan is wearing a Pentagon t-shirt in the photo, eagle eyes.


Brizmo said...

Broken pic link, please adjust your internet.

Jennifer said...

Wow, Joel sure does sport a crazy gun. I mean, I'm assuming that toy gun is a close approximation to Joel's. :)

Wow- kinda sick about the kids. That song has possibly the worst lyrics ever. Way worse than the campaign songs.