Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Happy First Birthday, Princepessa

That's "princess," of course, although I'm not sure I spelled it correctly. I hear the Italians say it all of the time, but they don't exactly write it down for me. Anyway, here are some pictures from Ava's first birthday:

I'm Aidan, and I approve of these cupcakes.
Our Italian neighbors came by: This is reckless misuse of helium in a time of worldwide shortage:
I'm not sure why he's wearing a knight costume, either.
Ava tests the waters- "What is this pink smooshy food they are shoving at me?".....
....and decides it is yummy!
It was Bring Your Own Baby (of course, that's any military function):
Taking a ride on her brother's bike.My guess is she's calling her friends to report on the motherlode of pink dresses stacked up in her shopping cart. Also note the cute dress I made for her to wear (and my friend made the bow):
So, now it's like you were there! Without the 8 hour flight! You're welcome!


Jennifer said...

Looks like she had a grand time! I love the dress. Are you sewing?

Mama Wangari said...

What a lovely, lovely blog! It's just fascinating! You both sound so normal! Intelligent! Same attitute to kids and their relationship to the world as mine! People I would enjoy visiting with! I'd no idea there were such among American soldiers!!!!! I know that's rather rude, but really, the way it looks to the rest of the world ... oh my gosh! US soldiers are people too!