Friday, May 23, 2008

What's this blog about, anyway?

I was telling someone the other day about a comment someone posted on the blog, and she said, "What do you even write about on your blog?" Except, that's not exactly correct... I am not sure what kind of punctuation or italics or whatever you could use to convey the subtext of her comment, relayed through her facial expression combined with the tone of her comment, which was what would I, personally, have to say on my blog, that even one other person in the whole world would care about? Why would anyone- anyone at all- care about the lame, "Dear diary" musings of a stay-at-home mom, she was clearly asking?

So, hurt feelings aside, I wasn't really sure how to explain. It's a lot of kid stuff, for family back in the states, and travel photos to make you all sorry you don't come visit more often, but... how do you describe Joel's post charting his job satifaction against our location? Or the look at government spending you were lucky enough to see this month? We're no Perez Hilton, but we have some Miley Cyrus coverage. We're not Fox News, but we do have quite a bit of campaign coverage.

Hmmm... looks like the odd ones come from Joel, so I guess I'm off the hook for explaining them.


Jennifer said...

Forget her! I love your blog- posts from you or Joel. :)

I often refer to Joel's Job Satisfaction Chart when speaking of you guys. I loved it and thought it was hilarious.

Keep 'em coming!

Brizmo said...

I second that.

Anonymous said...

seriously, Its time for an update...