Sunday, September 17, 2006


Back from Japan, and what a place!! We spent four days there and it was too short. Plus, the weather was poor (read:rain) for the days that we were there, but miraculously cleared up on the last day that we were there. Jessica was feeling under the weather for some of the trip, so that plus the rain plus a two year old cut a little into what we were able to due during our time there; however, we were able to hit some pretty cool stuff while we were there. For example:
  • Saw the Imperial Palace
  • Caught a Kabuki show
  • Went to a sumo match
  • Visited the world's largest fish market
Here's a quick picture tour from the "Land of the Rising Sun".

Our first stop was the Imperial Palace. Much like the White House, you couldn't really waltz up into the palace. They had a huge moat (50 feet wide at least) all around the castle. I thought it was a great way to keep the "undesirables" out. Maybe something to consider, George W.?

Next was the sumo match. Tickets were a little high, but we were there for hours and had pretty good seats. I'll throw a sumo video up to give you a taste of the action In the meantime, here some looks from the stadium. These flags are displayed out in front of the stadium and I think are the wrestler's banners. Colorful!

Here's a couple of the dudes squaring off for a match. When they touch their second hand to the ground, then the wrestlers start fighting. It was pretty intensive stuff.

On the last day, I went solo to the Tsukiji Fish Market, one of the largest in the world. I was there early at 6:00 AM to see the action. It was amazing. The place takes up probably three city blocks or more and is crammed with every thing that comes out of the sea that you can eat. The biggest thing there was the tuna, and it was huge. Most people think of tuna coming in a little can, but these monsters was huge. Have a look:

Those tuna are resting on one of those huge shipping palette. Each of them was probably 150-200 lbs each. And there were hundreds of them all around the market. While I was down there, I found a small sushi bar that had the best, freshest sushi I've ever had. Indescribably good.

If you get a chance, check out Japan. A little pricey, yes. But totally worth it the visit.

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