Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cricket Update

I'm back from my exercise in Korea. Good news: we won. We always do.

Some of you might remember the Crickets!! post from a few days back when I was talking about the cricket in my bathroom. If not, it's a few posts behind this one; take a look to refresh your memory. The cricket in that particular post had a distinct pattern to his song that I talked about there. This afternoon, I was parking the car in the parking garage and I heard another cricket with a different sound altogether.

Instead of the "chirp-chirp pause chirp-chirp" pattern that the other cricket had, this one played a continuous, droning chirp. Like a broken record. What's the deal with this cricket? Is he a more contented cricket? Or was the first one happier and this one the scared one? Or are the completely different species of crickets altogether, each with a distinct song? If I had to wager a guess, I'd say that the first cricket (aka toilet cricket) sounded under duress while the second cricket (aka garage cricket) seemed more at ease. But who's to say?

By the way, at Jessica's request this will be the last cricket post.

1 comment:

Quyen said...

yea, i kept saying "i no longer have any conception of time," but it sounded incorrect.

and like i first two entries. i think those entries had substance.

but my objective is not to "blog," nor is it to satisfy your silly standards for blog-reading entertainment.

you do not understand my reasons for typing up nonsensical entries with words that may not even qualify as words. this is not my blog for actual blogging, and even if it were, i would not be writing about my daily life, but rather i would write about ideas (btw, i do not live in the visiting. my friends know that, and thats why i update about bullcrap that other people would not understand because i dont intend on getting non-friend readers...although, they are welcome. i wonder why i dont get stranger readers on my other blog..)