Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sibling Rivalry

My friend Lora has two children, almost the same ages as Aidan and Ava, but she has a toddler girl and a baby boy. She sent me an email recently, saying she thought her daughter was trying to kill the baby and make it look like an accident- "she's the sweetest little assassin you'll ever meet," she wrote.

Aidan has his moments, too- his MO is usually to try to suffocate Ava through hugs, but he has also been known to drop toys on her head and bring her "presents" that pose clear choking hazzards. Here he is, on good behavior, lulling Ava into a false sense of security. So tricky...

1 comment:

Andy said...

this picture is perfect in sooo many ways. i hope you frame it!
