Monday, March 06, 2006

Inside Karl's Head

This isn't really a Joel and Jessica post. It's actually an ol' blogging trick that I have gleaned recently. Here's the tip: see what's "hot" in news/entertainment, mention it a couple of times in your blog, and hope that the Google search picks it up and sends some readers your way.

So, Jessica and I have been enamored with the Ricky Gervais podcast over the last couple of weeks. He has a free 30-minute podcast over on iTunes that you can download for free. There's about 6 episodes that are up there right now. They are really really funny and I suggest that you check them out if you haven't already. By the way, assist to Justin for turning me on to them.

Most of the show is focused around Gervais and his buddy Steven Merchant "probing" into the mind of their producer Karl Pilkington. Karl Pilkington may be one of the most unusual characters in radio. He's a little bit of an idiot savant of comedy. I don't think anything he does/says is intentional, but it's really funny stuff. Here's a picture of Karl, by the way.

However, there is a little bit of a stir in the world of Gervais and Pilkington. As I said before, the podcast up to this point has been a free download on iTunes. But the honeymoon has ended, and now Gervais is charging $1.99 for each new episode. But this is apparently not kosher with the throngs of people that made Gervais' podcast the "most downloaded podcast" in the world. Many people have rejected the notion of dropping two bucks for a half-hour, non-video podcast. I half to kind agree with them. The shows were funny, but $2 funny? I think I'll wait for the bitTorrent to come out.

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