Monday, March 20, 2006

Know when to walk away/Know when to run

Day Four of the exercise has come and gone, and the sun now sets on the Korean peninsula. Wonderful. Another day closer to ending this Exercise in Futility. Get it?!? I'm in an exercise, and it's and exercise in futility! Huh? Nothing?

Anyway, the majority of my time down here has been spent working out and playing cards. Your tax dollars at work! The guys that have been working down here have been the IT guys. They've been scrambling to fix everyone's internet, phone, VTC etc. And it's been a challenge. Two solid days of working on getting everyone straight, and it's still not quite right. But pretty standard for the Army. If they get it at a 70% fix, we'll work around that.

Before I sign off, I'd like to share a little nugget of fun with you. I'm currently on a shared computer in a Cyber Cafe on the installation. When I logged on to check my hotmail, the name of the previous user was still in the log in screen. It was . Lonewolfhunter?? Are you kidding me? Who could take themselves seriously and enter that as email? I guess lonehunter and wolfhunter were both taken. Why not drop 'ol lonewolfhunter a message when you get a chance? I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. 'Snarf!

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