Sunday, September 09, 2007

A funny thing happened last night...

Well, what do you know?

After a night out on the town, I wake up to find myself married to a Bulgarian girl. Who knew it could be so easy? Jessica's not going to be thrilled about this.

And if she's going to be pissed about that, she's going to be furious about this. Due to a huge misunderstanding, which I will admit was partially my fault, I didn't wed one but two Bulgarian girls last night.

Good grief.

At least the priest was nice enough to only charge me for his services once, since he only technically performed one ceremony. Here's a shot of me and him hanging out afterward.

On a serious note, these pictures were taken at my hotel last night. I came back from dinner to find that there were not one, but two different weddings being hosted by my hotel. Must be a popular place. Anyway, by the time that I came back from dinner, the booze had been flowing and everyone was my new best friend. After learning how to say congratulations in Bulgarian, I wished the wedding party the best and asked for pictures with the brides. Ideally, I wanted to get them both in the same shot, but the timing didn't work out. When I saw the priest hanging out, I went for the trifecta. I'm the Bulgarian "Wedding Crasher".

The priest was an interesting guy. After getting the hotel night manager to ask him in Bulgarian (the manager and the priest were acquaintances), he came over and gave me an uncomfortably long handshake while he asked me questions in Bulgarian and I waited for translation. After I got the picture, I asked my Bulgarian friend what that was all about. Apparently, the priest is hesitant to get his picture taken with people because there are semi-religious cults in Bulgaria that would try to get a picture with a priest to give credibility to their sect. So he was feeling me out with the questions to make sure I wasn't one of these cult wackos. Yet another bizarre glimpse into the world of Bulgaria.

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