Thursday, August 28, 2008

Justin's Film

So my brother Justin got back from his second tour in Iraq, dropped his paperwork to get out of the Army, moved to Austin, and has started making his first film. It's a documentary about traumatic brain injury in soldiers returning from the war. His website went live a couple of weeks ago, but he just got some of the final kinks worked out of it recently. The movie is called "Along Recovery" and he's in the early production stages right now. Go to the site and you can watch a 5-minute preview reel. It's not like you don't have 5 minutes to spare if you're reading this drivel.

If you really want to "support our troops", then go to his Donate page and cough up a few shekels. Justin's a 2-time veteran who's trying to tell a story about this war and the thousands of unsung soldiers that will bear a lifetime of pain and suffering for their actions downrange.

Or you could just buy a "We support our troops" yellow ribbon magnet to stick on the back of your SUV. I know I feel totally supported when you do that. /sarcasm


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the rest of your brother's film. Lots on Opportunity in TX...when are you coming to visit?

Brizmo said...

Hear hear!

jade said...

Hey, Joel and Jessica, I really love your blog, and I just want you to know. All blogs should aspire to be this great.