Friday, August 08, 2008

Springer Family Curse

This all started when Joel's parents visited us in Italy. His mom somehow fell and scraped up her legs and arms pretty bad, and had to go to therapy for her wrist, I think. Then, his parents went to a Dave Ramsey financial conference, where someone threw a t-shirt out into the crowd. Jo caught her little finger on it, somehow crushing it, and requiring operations and months of therapy, which are still continuing today. Then, Joel fell while he was riding his bike to work here in Germany, scraping up his palms really, really badly. (On a bright note, he said that one guy at work thought the bandages were from a suicide attempt, ha ha!!) Later that same week, Joel's dad fell riding his bike, and broke his arm and hurt his shoulder pretty badly. Now, this week Joel cut off part of his little finger cutting an onion. Dear God, when will this end!?!

Here is a picture of the RIDICULOUS bandage they put on him at the clinic, complete with a metal splint:
Now, I don't want to alarm anyone, but we WERE living in Italy when this started, so I can only assume that it is due to some sort of elderly Italian woman's curse, or possibly that of a gypsy who was living in Italy. If anyone has any ideas about how to remove ancient curses, please forward your comments to me, here at the blog. Grazie!

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